Now you can cost effectively – 3 dimensionally – fill root canals with a trusted warm G.P. system.
Thermoplastic gutta percha root canal filling system
The One-Step™ Obturator is an obturator without a handle and rubber endo stop.
Instead of the handle you use a tweezer. The tip of the tweezer is used to mark the working length. You place the tip at the plastic core at the already defined working length.
The One-Step™ Obturator is designed for dentists who prefer to work with a tweezer to place the obturator in the root canals. Especially in the molars.
Tweezers are included in the intro kit with an angle of 100 and 135 degrees for optimal access to all root canals.
The shaft of the One-Step™ obturators is designed with grooves for each millimeter, to easily break them. Notice that you can only break the core when it has cooled.
The One-Step™ obturators are delivered in a carousel packaging where you open only one slot at a time to secure a high level of hygiene.
The length indicators are marked on the sides of the opening slot easy to use for right and left-handed.
It is easy to remove an obturator from the carousel, you simply hold the lower part of the packaging with one hand using the other to turn the upper part of the lid. Use a tweezer to grasp around the obturator carrier and preset working length directly from the packaging.
One-Step Obturator oven
The One-Step™ oven is identical with the CMS DT oven used for Soft-Core. The only difference is the top having other slots. It can be removed and cleaned very easily as well as autoclaved.
Up to 4 tweezers holding obturators can be placed at the time.
Press the start button when you have placed the obturator(s). After one minute a beep sound indicate that the obturator(s) are ready to use.
The obturators can stay warm in the oven for up to 30 minutes – saving you time.
The oven has a start up heating time of 10-15 minutes to reach the working temperature, therefore leave it on standby all day.
Intro kit:
1 X 20 pack assorted Obturators – sizes 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 60
2 X 6 pack assorted size verifiers – sizes 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 60
1 X OneStep DT Oven
2 X tweezers with angle 100o and 135o
3 X demo blocs and
3 X demo Obturators